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You have a dream – now what? How should you pursue it? Where do you start? This article provides tips for taking your first steps towards your dream.
In “Exploring your Dream – Part 1” , we discussed finding your role model. Analyzing her helps you understand the skills and characteristics your dream requires. So, what next?
Be Open
Now it’s time to take your first steps towards your dream. This is a moment to experiment and learn from others. Actively pursue opportunities. During this period, seeking to understand more about:
-your dream
-the environment surrounding your dream
Is your dream right for you? What should you adjust?
Get a Mentor
Having a mentor in your dream field can make a huge difference. She can open doors and guide you towards the right resources.
So, ask your role model to be your mentor. You may also find a mentor through:
-local mentoring programs
-local professional associations
You can volunteer for an initiative related to your dream. Volunteering is a great way to gain experience. Volunteers tend to get more exposure than entry-level employees. Thus, you can learn more about your dream field before committing to it full-time.
Find volunteering opportunities by:
-asking people in your network
-contacting dream organizations directly to offer your services
-via sites like VolunteerMatch
Attend Events
These days there are associations for every interest area. They hold events and conferences. You can become part of your dream community, either virtually or physically. Community members may be collaborators or mentors. They can help you access opportunities.
You can find events by typing your dream into various search engines or social media sites, followed by the word “event”, “group”, “association” or “conference”.
Take Courses
You no longer have to commit to a full degree to pursue your dream. You can start by experimenting with bootcamps or short courses. See if that field is truly for you. As we discussed in “Tips for Lifelong Learning”, there are free or cheap courses readily available through a variety of sources.
Do Internships
An internship allows you to get an “official” foot in the door of your dream field. It is very similar to a volunteer position, but is usually available only for beginners. Internships tend to be structured programs. There are many international internships, for example.
You can find internship opportunities through:
-your school’s career office
-by contacting organizations directly
Carry out Projects
Create your own dream project. Or, collaborate on a project in your dream field. For example, I know an aspiring actress and director who produce their own short movies. Awesome way to experiment their dream!
Get a Job
Finally, get a job in your dream area. A longer-term job gives you profound insight. There are many tools to find employment:
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