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Women earn 20% less than men in the US. Latinas make a whopping 47% less! Want to close this gender pay gap? Then, encourage every woman you know to take the free AAUW Work Smart online course. This class empowers women to negotiate a fair salary. It’s so useful!
The Gender Pay Gap Hinders Progress
As the UN Sustainable Development Goals state, women’s progress is humanity’s progress. We are over half the population. Almost a quarter of American children are being raised in single parent households. Mostly with single mothers. Thus, the gender wage gap makes it tough for women and children to escape poverty.
Many Factors Contribute to this Disparity
Traditionally “female” professions, like teaching and nursing, pay less.
Women tend to be penalized for maternity through slower promotion, lower bonuses, etc.
Women are paid less for equal work even at the beginning of their career.
Studies find that women tend to negotiate their salaries less often than their male counterparts.
As you can see, women face unique professional challenges. Thus, we need particular strategies, like the AAUW course, to address this disparity.
Salary Negotiation: An Immediate Way to Narrow the Gender Pay Gap
Some of the factors contributing to the gender pay gap require significant societal and policy changes. Salary negotiation does not. Every individual woman can take this course and proactively negotiate their pay in the next few months.
Let’s get every single woman, whether she is 15 or 75, to sign up for this class. It’s time we get paid what we deserve.
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