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Not sure what your dream is? A multi-sensory exercise is a great way to visualize your dream. Its goal is to help your subconscious mind connect with your ideal life and your best self. Think of it like an intentional daydreaming session. Here is a quick guide:
Set Aside Some Time
Visualizations can take anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the person. So, reserve some time when you are able to get away from your routine.
Gather your Favorite Things
Set the stage to connect with your ideal life by surrounding yourself during the exercise with your favorite things. Do the visualization in the place that brings you the most joy. Create a playlist of music or sounds that inspires you, comforts you. Take your favorite food and drink. Use your favorite scent. All of these serve to stimulate your senses, bringing up memories and feelings of well-being. Make the experience a celebration of you!
Once you are ready to begin the exercise, get in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe in and out, slowly. Feel your body decompress.
Let your mind wander, guiding it once in a while with these thoughts:
-Imagine my ideal life
-When am I happiest?
-How do I want to live?
-What brings me joy?
-I am the best version of myself when…
-How do I want to feel?
Let images form in your head, free flowing. Don’t judge them. Just be aware of these images. Allow yourself to visualize your dream.
Debrief your Visualization
Immediately after you finish your visualization, record (write, draw, voice or video memo) your takeaways. What came to mind during the exercise?
A few days later, revisit your exercise more deeply and try to make sense of what you visualized. Was there a clear notion of your dream or your ideal life? Were there patterns of feelings, settings, etc? It might be useful to do this debrief with a friend or even a coach (like me!).
You may need to repeat the whole exercise a few times to reap the greatest benefit. You may also want to combine it with other types of exercises designed to help you dream.
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